
Healing and Redemption

In this message, John and I share our testimony of God’s healing and redemption. Redemption is not about just getting what we want, but allowing God to heal us and then refusing to limit God’s plan for our life by anything in our past. The redemptive work that God can do in the life of a believer is a powerful display of his glory.

Hope in Crisis

Many people are looking for answers right now. Some are asking short-sighted questions as to how to get through this current crisis, and others are asking questions about life in general. Christians and non-Christians are asking these questions. In times like this, we are able to clearly see what we have put our trust in. Have you trusted in something that you now realize is only temporary? Do you feel like you are losing control over your life? Do you feel like the world is out of control? Listen in to this teaching to discover HOPE IN CRISIS!

Grace to Become

As the coronavirus situation began to unfold, I would like to say that faith was my first response, but it was not. Just the threat of shut downs caused a lot of anxiety in me. It was as if I was holding my breath to see what would come next. Each new restriction seemed like more change than I could handle. On top of that, I was feeling so guilty for the fear that was gripping my heart. I desired to be firm in my faith and trust in God during these challenging times, but I didn’t seem to be able to live out that desire.

Possess the Promise Land

For many years, I was scared to go to the beach on the gulf side of Florida. When I was younger, my cousins had traveled there and told me that there were sting rays everywhere! I pictured the water to be brown, not because of pollution, but because of sting rays. Swimming did not sound like a pleasant experience, so I was resolved that going to the beach there would not be much fun.